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What We Treat


Hard skin and corns

  • Areas of thick or hardened skin which may be painful 

  • Difficult to manage hard skin which isn't improved by filing

  • Dry, cracked, painful heels

  • Corns, which are small circular areas of very hard skin. These can be on top or in-between your toes or on the sole of your foot


Thickened nails

  • Thickened nails which are difficult to cut or causing discomfort. The cause of this may be due to damage or fungal infection

  • We offer in clinic fungal nail testing to aid with diagnosis 


Curved or ingrowing nails

  • Curved nails which press into the skin

  • Ingrowing nails which may no longer be possible to cut yourself


Advice on self-care

  • Where appropriate, we will provide advice and guidance on how best to manage your conditions at home with regular self-care

Need some advice?

If you are not sure about the foot problem you have then please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss what would may be suitable for you.

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